We hope you're doing well. Please note the following updates:
Pre-Exam Meeting recording: The following link is available for you to review.
Passcode: $LX8#wz@
Annotated Manual:
Please have a look at the following link with annotations for Sections 4 and 4 for your convenience. You may print this out and
NOTE: Do not bold anything in your transcripts.
Special note on the logs for swearing in the witness:
Time Speaker Key Note
9:25 PA PA called John Smith
9:25 C Witness Sworn-W1-John Smith-----This is what the log note needs to look like when the witness is sworn in***
9:25 W1 J-o-h-n S-m-i-t-h
Additionally, please be sure to understand all of the margins/format for transcription. The annotated Section 5 does provide a visual along with the Bubble Transcript sample. We strongly encourage you to memorize the margins, tabs, spacing, carry-over lines, spacing after a period, spacing after a colon, and format overall.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.
We hope everyone is doing well. Best wishes on your exam! We know you all can do it!